Monday, 12 April 2010

Planning: Shots needed to be used due to health and safety

As we are filming a lot of scenes to do with knifes and also fight scenes I've had to look at alternative ways for filming these scenes.

For instance:
- we are going to have Karly hitting the stalker with some sort of weapon, preferably a tree branch. For this scene we are going to have to make sure that the area the stalker lands in is clear and that he falls down in a comfortable way so as not to hurt himself. We are planning to film this scene straight on so it looks like I am hitting the stalker with the branch when actually I plan to stop just before I get to him about 10 cm away.

- The stalker is then going to pull Karly over so we also have to make sure that area is clear. I am going to fall on my side and put my hands out so i can lower myself down to the landing. We are going to do this as quite a low shot so it is not so evident that I am lowering myself into the position on the floor.
- Karly (myself) then kicks the stalker in the face. With this part we've decided to have me kicking the camera instead. With doing this I will not harm Kevin then. We plan to have Kevin holding the camera from the point of view of where he would be lying and when my foot gets close to the camera he is going to pull it back so we don't damage the camera either.
-Another scene is the stalker pulling the scarf off of Karly's neck. i am going to wear the scarf very loosely at this point so as no risk of strangulation.
- When Kevin has the knife in his hand we had originally planned for him to run down with it but we thought this would be a danger hazard as if he trips he could possibly harm himself.
- When the knife is at my throat we are going to film it from behind so the knife doesn't actually have to be very close to my neck.
- When Nik is running in to push Kevin away from me we planned to have kevin throw the knife out of his hand in a direction that no actors or crew are standing in.
- With the fight scene we have already thought this part through and have rehearsed it multiple times so as no one gets hurt.
- When Kevin slits my throat we are going to film it as a long shot so the audince can't see that it is not near me.
- In the last part where Kevin goes to stab Kirby we're going to film it over Kevin's shoulder and angled downwards so you can't tell the exact distance between them.

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